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[pct-l] PDF yogi is death!

To put ANYTHING onthe web that is copyrighted is death for the book: it's 
revision, pride of authorship, etc,,,it can be copied so easily. At least 
now somehow
has to buy it or borrow it and scan it in and do OCR to put it on the net.

Good decision and I would stick to it yogi!


At 09:52 PM 2/17/2005, stillroaming wrote:
> > I realize that by writing my book I have opened myself up to criticizm.
> > I usually let it slide, but not this time.
>Who criticized you 'this time' and in what way?
>Yogi, in your own words to your customers you stated:
> > "Yogi's PCT Handbook" is not a money-maker.  I break even.  I did not 
> write my book to make
> >  money off of PCT Hikers.  I did this to make planning/hiking the PCT 
> easier for hikers.
>In case your comprehension level dipped off the first time, the suggestion 
>was to make it into a
>.pdf file and put it on your web page. Since you "did not write the book 
>to make money off of PCT
>hikers" it only makes sense.
>These are YOUR words, not mine, not the evil criticizer's....YOURS. You 
>said them, no one else.
>The suggestion was meant in the spirit of saving time, money and resources 
>for all.
>If you're upset, you should be upset at yourself for not keeping your 
>story straight with different
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