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[pct-l] Birth Control
- Subject: [pct-l] Birth Control
- From: kraig.mottar at verizon.net (Kraig Mottar)
- Date: Thu Feb 17 16:15:08 2005
So the moral of this story is, if you have kids, use drugs, eat fatty toxic foods, engage in risky mischeivious behavior, spend money foolishly, and what ever other negative thing you can think of. Be bad so your kids will be good.
> From: dsaufley@sprynet.com
> Date: 2005/02/17 Thu PM 01:01:30 PST
> To: Judson Brown <judson@jeffnet.org>, pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
> Subject: RE: [pct-l] Birth Control
> Children most frequently choose to be the diametric opposite of their parents, especially during their teenage years. If it interests you, they'll abhor it. If you think it's great, they'll despise it. And, they'll think you're a geek, no matter what it is you're interested in. Common ground is rare ground indeed as your children "find themselves". This seems to be one of the universal truths.
> We don't start turning into our parents until we have children of our own.
> -=Donna Saufley=-
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Judson Brown <judson@jeffnet.org>
> Sent: Feb 16, 2005 7:11 PM
> To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
> Subject: RE: [pct-l] Birth Control
> OTOH, why control our birth at all? We need more hikers in the world and
> less couch potatoes. So start breedin', y'all! ;)
> Judson
> Ashland
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