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[pct-l] March 5th & 6th PCT hike 74-Idyllwild: UPDATE
I know that spot.......
There's a VERY steep snow chute/drop off - probably 100 feet or so down to
the less steep talus - the sketchy section of trail is probably only 20 feet
long or so as it circumvents the steep chute, but man, I was pretty scared
when I crossed it in I think it was April or May a couple years
ago.......2nd crossing coming back was a little easier but I was still
scared stiff and holding my breath.....with a daypack....
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Saenz" <msaenz@mve-architects.com>
To: <so_california_backpackers@yahoogroups.com>;
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 3:49 PM
Subject: [pct-l] March 5th & 6th PCT hike 74-Idyllwild: UPDATE
> The ranger indicated that there is one stretch of the PCT where current
> conditions are hazardous.
> Just north of Red Taquitz, where the PCT swings due west for a mile or
> two, the trail is icy. The ranger suggests crossing this portion by
> three-man teams, ropes and crampons, leader/anchor method. This is the
> current condition. By next month, the conditions may change.
> The good news is that this is the only portion that will be require
> careful passage. Once past, the trail drops into Taquitz Meadow, Skunk
> Cabbage and Saddle Junction, 2 miles further.
> I'll be getting updates from the Forest Service as time goes by. If the
> next weather system adds more snow or ice to the trail, we can all
> discuss if this is still do-able.
> Erik, Monte, Phil and "t"- How much experience do you have with this
> type of condition? Are you comfortable with a couple miles of ice on the
> trail? With crampons and tying onto each other? I'm good with it, though
> I'll have to rent crampons...
> Also-
> I found a web site near Idyllwild that has current weather conditions
> and web cams:
> http://www.jamesreserve.edu/index.lasso
> -Oilcan
> M i c h a e l S a e n z
> McLarand Vasquez Emsiek & Partners, Inc.
> A r c h i t e c t u r e P l a n n i n g I n t e r i o r s
> w w w . m v e - a r c h i t e c t s . c o m
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