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[pct-l] Questions regarding boots & feet

Hi Shane - 
One word of caution... Although going a little bigger than what you normally wear and going with lightweight shoes normally are the way to go, you have to listen to your feet & do what they ask.  300 miles after I started in 2003, after 3 weeks of having my feet shredded by my shoes (montrail Vitesse), I finally figured out I had bought them too big, and I needed something a little more sturdy (I forget what I changed to at this point, some kind of low hiking shoe instead of a trail runner).  After I changed, my feet felt a lot better.
Just to say that there's no easy way to predict or plan this, even if you've done it before.  Be flexible & realize you can change your shoes 47 times before the trail & they may still be wrong.  Make the best guess you can, and let experience tell you what to change.
Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who answered my impossible
questions!  I think that now I have a better
understanding of what to expect when it comes to
footwear.  I'm beginning to realize that the
light hiking boots I had originally planned to
start the trail with may be too small--they are
roomy enough now, but if my foot swells up more
than a 1/2 size, I'll be in trouble.

Thanks again,


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