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[pct-l] Real Bear Trouble in '04 -- Attacks and Raids
Evolution Valley is and has been a classic park bear haunt
for some time now.
As for Glen Aulin, back in 2000 I heard campers yelling
"bear" in the middle of the night, while I was stealthed
about a mile north along the trail. Again, Glen Aulin is a
classic honeypot, where bears and campers have been
colliding for some time.
I don't mean to downplay Nocona's concerns. Bears can
definitely cause problems, and thru-hikers are not immune.
But the risks have long been there. No doubt they are
getting worse in places where people continue to congregate
and camp en masse within the bear-protected natoinal parks.
Are they getting worse outside of these areas? Should
thru-hikers change their camping gear (beyond the bear can
issue) for the sake of bears? I'd change mine for the
mosquitoes, perhaps. And as serendipidity would have it, the
problem bug and bear habitats largely coincide.
Would be interested to hear of problem bear encounters while
hikers were genuinely stealth camping, having avoided
cooking at such sites before retiring for the night. I'm not
condoning stealth camping where illegal or imprudent. I'm
simply curious, and have perhaps this childlike naivity that
stealth camping is like the garlic to bruin's bloodthirst.
- blisterfree