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[pct-l] Question regarding boots and feet.

Hi Shane
Last year I didn't see any thru hikers wearing boots on the PCT.  There
probably were a couple somewhere.
For trail runners I was advised 1 1/2  sizes bigger.  I'm not very smart. 
I didn't. By lake Morena I had blisters.  By Laguna I got bad blisters. 
There I learned the magic and number one purpose of duct tape along with
other treatments. By Warner Springs they were so bad I went home a couple
days. (I live there).  I had a chance to regear including shoes, one size
bigger.  Lots (and I mean LOTS) of hiker took zeros at Warner Springs and
lots of hikers went home (for good) because of their shoes/feet.  The pack
got way thined out.   A lot more dropped out after that due to blisters. 
In a couple of weeks I had to leave my new shoes untied.  They were worn
out by Agua Dulce.  From Agua Dulce I went to REI to replace them (and eat
a whole fried chicken from the Abertsons next to it).  Nothing in stock.  I
had a pair sent General Delivery to Tehachapi  1/2 sizes bigger than the
last.  That size worked from then on.  I still wear that size now for
hiking.  Somewhere up the trail I made another mistake.  I change shoe
style without trying them for a while.  As they broke in  their heavy
leather toes pinched my big toes.  More severe pain and more zeros until I
could finally change back to the first style (General Delivery) in Ashland.
I got off at Crater Lake for good (other reasons).  It took a couple months
for my heels to heal.  I also found peace with MY BIGGEST FEAR, that I
wouldn't make it to Manning with the class of '04.  I was held back a year
due to feet and legs.  Looking forward to Class of '05................with
bigger shoes.

I had 47 zeros. Mostly foot and leg injuries. Also a toe surgery.  When I
returned home in September, a lot of friends asked, if I were to give one
piece of advise to a thru hiker, what would it be?    They were all
suprised to hear "Bigger shoes." 

Warner Springs Monty 

> [Original Message]
> From: shane wohlken <darkbodhi@yahoo.com>
> To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
> Date: 2/10/2005 5:42:33 AM
> Subject: [pct-l] Question regarding boots and feet.
> Hi all,
> I'm curious as to how soon into the trail during
> a thru-hike to expect my boots to become too
> tight and require an exchange for larger boots. 
> In other words, can I expect to replace my boots
> near the half-way point, 500 miles in, 200 miles
> in?  I realize that this is a hard question to
> answer since everyone's feet are different, but I
> was wondering if there was an average distance
> where the boot exchange occurs (assuming it
> occurs at all)?  And in a related (and just as
> difficult to answer) question, what is the
> average size difference a thru-hiker can expect
> in their feet?  Do you tend to go up 1/2, 1, or 2
> boot sizes when it's all said and done?
> Thanks,
> Shane
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