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[pct-l] Of dreams and goals (The journey and the destination)
The thru-hike is the dream. Hiking to Manning Park is the
Be it arbitrary or not, a goal, or series of goals, is
necessary in order to accomplish any dream, any higher
calling of self.
One can accomplish a goal without a dream; this is called
"everyday life." But in order to step out of that lifestyle
for a time, following one's heart in search of something
rewarding, challenging, life-changing perhaps, and above all
else tangible and meaningful, one needs a goal to see it
As it turns out in the case of thru-hiking the PCT, that
goal happens to be the reaching of Manning Park, BC, on
foot, having begun hiking at the Mexican border near Campo
CA. Or some variation thereof. Such a goal may seem entirely
arbitrary, even to the hiker herself. But all the same it is
motivating. It gets us off the fence and onto the playing
One of the reasons a long hike on such a trail can be so
seductive a dream is that the goal is presented, it is laid
out clearly, both on the ground and in the guidebook that
serves as one's instruction manual to accomplishing the
goal. People latch onto the dream because of the element of
nature, of physical and emotional accomplishment, or of time
away from society at large. But they follow thru on that
dream - they work, they plan, quit jobs, sell homes, give
their lives over to the trail for a time - because the goal
is clear, and it gives the dream wings on which at last to
"Out on the Crest Trail
There's a wind a-blowin'
It's a Cascade wind
Blowin' away my cares.
It's pushing me northward
That's where I'm going.
Bound for the border
And I'll soon be there."
- from "The Crest Trail" by Walkin' Jim
- blisterfree
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