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[pct-l] it IS the journey -- (was going fast on the PCT)

I completely agree with Jeff.  Thru-hiking is **not** about the destination.  
If you want to go to Manning Park that badly, then drive there.  Manning 
is simply the end to the thru-hike journey.  Whether that journey takes 
150 days or 70 days, it's still the JOURNEY that matters.  It's the JOURNEY 
that draws you to the trail.  
Have you ever heard any potential thru-hiker talk about how excited he/she 
is to go to Manning Park next summer?  No.  We're all excited about our 
THRU-HIKES.  The Journey.
Manning is a nice place, but I hate getting there, because that means my 
thru-hike journey is over.

j rhoades <yawho_hiker@yahoo.com> wrote:Whoever coined it probably was not a thru-hiker but I
have to disagree strongly with the implication that
all thru-hikers are focused on the destination.

I hiked from the Mexican border to Manning Park and 
my greatest satisfaction besides seeing all that
amazing scenery and meeting some interesting people
was that I never got to the point where all I cared
about was getting to Canada. 

I went relatively slow (ask anyone who hiked with me)
and I definitely enjoyed the journey. And even
though, at first, I thought it strange how much
faster others were going, I have come to accept that
people have different motivations for hiking.


--- Monty Tam wrote:

> Whoever coined "Life is a journey, not a
> destination" was not a thru hiker.
> -Warner Springs Monty

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