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[pct-l] north OR / south WA sections

Another pleasant hike is Diamond Peak Loop. As I recall it's about 30
miles, although it could be stretched out via side trips.  It starts
by Odell lake which is about 3 hours from Portland.  Check out Doug
Loraine's book which I think is called Backpacking Oregon.  This loop,
as well as many others, is described in detail.

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 06:03:37 -0800, Deems <losthiker@sisqtel.net> wrote:
> One of the premier local trails is the Eagle Creek waterfall trail out of
> Cascade Locks. This
> was the old PCT in the early 1970s, and is still one of the prettiest trails
> in the west.
> Check out this link of Jonathan Leys at www.phlumf.com. He also has many
> other
> local visual tours and trek ideas for you there.  You are in a hiker's
> heaven!!
> http://www.phlumf.com/other/photos/eaglecreek/eaglecreek.htm
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> I live in Portland and am itching to do a section or two this spring.
> Looking for sections anywhere from 20 to 50 miles long, up to about 3 or 4
> driving hours away from Portland, either north or south.  Any helpful info
> about tough river crossings, snowpack, or other need-to-know tidbits are
> much appreciated, as well.
> Are there nice sized sections using the Columbia River as a put in or take
> out?  Those would be ideal, as a weekend warrior.
> If there are "must do" sections within this area realm, lay 'em on me!  URLs
> of online resources to find PCT sections is also appreciated (not having
> much luck with that so far, hence this posting).
> Many thanks
> Rice N Peas (AT '03)
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David D.