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[pct-l] Which book?

Some thoughts on guide books:

1) For the most part, it is obvious where the trail

2) AsABat provided a printed water report for southern
Cal at last years ADZPCTKOP gathering.

3) The best re-supply list is off of the PCTA web site
because it will allow you to print out shipping labels


4) Almost all hikers have way too much trail
information and are glad to share it.

Chance ?03 &?04

--- Maury Schwenkler <hungry10@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings to all. I have been lurking on the list
> for a while, busy planning 
> to start the PCT in April. I think only one of my
> major questions has never 
> been addressed here--what information do the various
> guidebooks have and 
> what is 'essential' to bring?
> I'm referring to the PCTA guidebooks, the data book,
> and Yogi's handbook (am 
> I missing any?). I have a good idea of what's in
> Yogi's book from the sample 
> pages. Can anyone describe what the others are like
> so I don't have to buy 
> them to find out? Any comparisons to the AT data
> book, Companion, and 
> Wingfoot?
> I really only want my book to tell me about Water,
> Resupply, and not getting 
> Lost. Everything else detracts from the adventure.
> Also looking for advice concerning maps.
> Thanks, and see you in April,
> Maurice Schwenkler
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