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[pct-l] north OR / south WA sections

You're about 45 minutes from Heaven...


In a message dated 2/7/2005 8:12:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
ricenpeas75@hotmail.com writes:

> I live in Portland and am itching to do a section or two this spring.  
> Looking for sections anywhere from 20 to 50 miles long, up to about 3 or 4 
> driving hours away from Portland, either north or south.  Any helpful info 
> about tough river crossings, snowpack, or other need-to-know tidbits are 
> much appreciated, as well.
> Are there nice sized sections using the Columbia River as a put in or take 
> out?  Those would be ideal, as a weekend warrior.
> If there are "must do" sections within this area realm, lay 'em on me!  URLs 
> of online resources to find PCT sections is also appreciated (not having 
> much luck with that so far, hence this posting).