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[pct-l] drought and its consequences along the PCT

> What gets me, and I meant to respond to Donna's reply 
> about Silverwood Lake
> SRA is all the FIRES since '99.  I'm not sure I'd 
> recognize parts of the trail
> and probably be bummed out hiking through them.

Blame the fires on western drought, to be certain. But more 
than that, blame them on a century's worth of fire 
suppression by the US Forest Service. Blame them in part on 
the individual, in those cases where the fires were 
human-caused. But blame nature's lack of forgiveness - the 
kind it seems she once granted more freely - on 100 years of 
injury by those whose job it should have been to protect 

Why all the fires since '99? IMO, it's Smokey's poo finally 
hitting the fan.

> Try Gingko Biloba, it will seem like yesterday.

I've been thinking about it.

- bf