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[pct-l] Re: What do use to carry your 2 gallons per day of water inthe desert? Marzipan

Thank you for the information. I will be facing the Hat Creek section is July and believe in being prepared, which in this instance means carrying enough (6-8 liters) water to through hike the waterless distance in one long day. At least thats the plan...

-------------- Original message -------------- 

> True. The dreaded Hat Creek Rim. Can also be very, very hot. Takes LOTS of 
> water. 
> If you're into trusting water cashes, which is scarey in this stretch, there's 
> a cashe called "cashe 22" on road or highway 22 that runs across the trail. I 
> think it cuts it in about half. It's also an entertaining cashe. There's a 
> little shelter made of sticks that provides shade for a few hikers at a time. 
> Theres a register full of jokes(mostly clean) and lots of flat space below the 
> cashe to camp. I carried a small amount of emergency water just in case. Still 
> had that and more when we got there. Found enough water to fill a swimming 
> pool...well maybe a jacuzzi. 
> Warner Springs Monty 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: 
> To: metam01@earthlink.net;pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net 
> Cc: Monty Tam 
> Sent: 2/4/2005 1:20:47 PM 
> Subject: RE: [pct-l] Re: What do use to carry your 2 gallons per day of water 
> inthe desert? Marzipan 
> The Data Book lists a 29.4 mile waterless stretch in Northern California from 
> mile 1375.7 (Hwy 44 Crossing) to mile 1405.1 (Road above Rock Spring Creek). 
> Leo. 
> -------------- Original message -------------- 
> > Does anyone know of a stretch longer than 16 miles without water? 
> > 
> > 2 Platypus or is that Platypi 
> > 2 liter soda pop bottle 
> > 20 oz gatorade bottle 
> > (at very most for me) 
> > 
> > Warner Springs Monty 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > [Original Message] 
> > > From: backpack45scb 
> > > To: 
> > > Date: 2/4/2005 11:30:48 AM 
> > > Subject: [pct-l] Re: What do use to carry your 2 gallons per day of water 
> > inthe desert? Marzipan 
> > > 
> > > Time flys. Marzipan, this is my original topic on water containers - 
> > > it was back in Oct 04, not a few weeks ago. 
> > > -- 
> > > Ralph Alcorn 
> > > http://www.backpack45.com/pct.html 
> > > _______________________________________________ 
> > > pct-l mailing list 
> > > pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net 
> > > unsubscribe or change options: 
> > > http://mailman.hack.net/mailman/listinfo/pct-l 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________ 
> > pct-l mailing list 
> > pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net 
> > unsubscribe or change options: 
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> _______________________________________________ 
> pct-l mailing list 
> pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net 
> unsubscribe or change options: 
> http://mailman.hack.net/mailman/listinfo/pct-l From metam01 at earthlink.net  Fri Feb  4 18:03:47 2005
From: metam01 at earthlink.net (Monty Tam)
Date: Fri Feb  4 18:18:21 2005
Subject: [pct-l] RE: 2005 Revisions - an explanation
Message-ID: <410-220052650347359@earthlink.net>

Make no money?
I just got my copy and it's incredible.  Looks like a lot less worry and a lot of good direction for four plus months of 10 hours a day.  I saw people who had it on the trail last year were a lot better off than me.  When I finally ordered it the store was closed.

Knowing it's a freebie I feel guilty.  How about, since we're more than a party of eight also asking for seperate checks, you tack on at least a 20 percent gratuity.  This is a lot to give away...Thank you.

Question:  Is there any benefit to the 2005 data book over the 2004 except it will match the mileage in your 2005 "Yogi's Book" revision?

In other words, do I buy the 2004 and stay where I'm?  Or improve life(would it be an improvement) by buying the 2005 and then your revision?

Warner Springs Monty

----- Original Message ----- 
From: yogi 
To: nickjstone2001@yahoo.com;cougar250mph@hotmail.com;donajudy@aol.com;metam01@earthlink.net;bignerdski@hotmail.com;paypal_spam@pisifilms.com;kellywallis@hotmail.com;talanthompson@cs.com;torcnm98@yahoo.com;mjarruda@hotmail.com;amazonratz@sunflower.com;david_carbonell@yahoo.com;shmslm@aol.com;Redkbrandon@yahoo.com;RIRVIN@NUMAIL.COM;bmann1@san.rr.com;ratzaz88@yahoo.com;halcyonkb@aol.com;dalidali76@hotmail.com
Sent: 2/4/2005 1:20:43 PM 
Subject: 2005 Revisions - an explanation

I received an email from a hiker who was disappointed that I'm offering a revision so soon after he purchased a book from me.  I understand this concern, and I would probably be disappointed, too, if I was the purchaser.  However, the 2005 PCT Data Book just became available.  I purchased the Data Book the first day it was available and immediately began the revision.  I have always included the most current available information in my book.  But the trail is constantly changing.

I'm not soliciting sales.  I will make no money on this.  The cost I listed is my printing costs.  When I print at a small quantity, the cost per page is high.  My little business venture of writing "Yogi's PCT Handbook" is not a money-maker.  I break even.  I did not write my book to make money off of PCT Hikers.  I did this to make planning/hiking the PCT easier for hikers.

What I'm doing is going through my book, and essentially removing the old mileage and replacing it with the new mileage.  Each person could of course go through their new Data Book and make the changes on their Handbook pages themselves.  I just figured I would do this and make it available to you.  

If I've offended anyone by my first email, I apologize.  My intent was not to harm or offend.  I simply want to make the most current information available to those people lucky enough to be hiking the trail this season.
