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[pct-l] Rockies Ruck March 25th - 27th

Sorry for the cross posting. 

Two weeks ago there was discussion on having a
gathering for long distance hikers that would be
somewhere in the Rockies. So, a little last
minute..but we are hikers and can make do.  Next year,
I'm doing it really early for planning! :)

Anyway, I booked a place for the Rockies Ruck and
date. More details to follow (via a website) by Monday

It will be similar to the ALDHA-West gathering in that
it will be held at at YMCA and meals are included. 

The dates are Friday (afternoon) March 25th through
Sunday March 27th (morning), I realized it was Easter
Sunday after I booked it. But I've been to this YMCA
before and they do have worship service on Sunday for
those who chose so.

The cost is also simialr to the ALDHA-West Gathering
in the price, about ~$75. More expensive than say
ADZPCTKOP or ALDHA-East, but meals are included and

Each person pays their own way. I booked enough space
for 40 people and you have unti Feb 25th to book. If
you book after that date, you can get a room if
available still. Suspect within two weeks of March
25th you can still get a room, after that all bets are
probably off.

This was fairly last minute planning and idea that
started on White Blaze about two weeks ago,  but looks
like it will work out. It is near Rocky Mountain
National Park,  less than two hours from Denver, etc.
Will have a ride board up as well.

I looked into the hostel at Grand Lake, but it is
closed this time of the year.

Again, more details by Monday Feb 7th at night on a
website. Consider this a "heads up" for now.

About time we had something in the Rockies. :D

The true harvest of my life is intangible.... a little stardust caught, a portion of the rainbow I have clutched