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[pct-l] Etna and Daniel Webster
On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 19:32:58 -0800, rjc <calliger@infolane.com> wrote:
> hmmm...they ever find that guy who many many years jumped out
> of an airliner with a bag of money??? (and presumably a parachute! )
Oh, you mean the anti-hero, DB Cooper? Lots of theories, nothing
<URL: http://tripleoakkennel.com/dk/Mob/DB%20cooper.htm >
Some money of his did wash up on the Columbia river about 20 years ago.
http://www.crimelibrary.com/criminal_mind/scams/DB_Cooper/8.html?sect=27 >
Stil, keep your eyes open during those creek crossings!
Jeffrey Neil Zimmerman
Sonoma County, The Left Coast