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[pct-l] Grider Creek hike
- Subject: [pct-l] Grider Creek hike
- From: losthiker at sisqtel.net (Deems)
- Date: Mon Jan 31 22:15:40 2005
I hiked up Grider Creek out of Seiad Valley Saturday up to the third bridge mp1647. It was
only an 8 mile round trip hike, but there was alot of snow in the valley bottom and the creek was
roaring and crystal clear blue. It was not in the quiet mood that the thruhikers will see in 6 months.
Near the third bridge I came across a fresh set of cougar prints in the snow following the deer
tracks along the trail. I think I was the first one up the trail this year. There was also a huge Douglas
fir tree down across the trail that will be a new feature for the hikers this year. It's 5 feet in diameter and the trail
crew will work hard to cut through it. The bridge had a foot of heavy snow on it and it was all snow beyond that.
It felt good to be hiking again after the recent winter snows and rains, and the day was brisk and sunny.
Mike and his family, who live up in the Siskiyou wilderness, finally walked out after the heavy snows. They were
getting cabin fever real bad after a month of being snowed in.