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[pct-l] Technology on the Trail
- Subject: [pct-l] Technology on the Trail
- From: leo-spencer at comcast.net (leo-spencer@comcast.net)
- Date: Thu Jan 20 14:41:04 2005
Hi Donna,
Well said, very poetic.
-------------- Original message --------------
> There are many artists on the trail, of all descriptions. Some paint, write,
> sing, philosophize, and compose. It is part of what makes the "movable feast"
> that comes to our door so richly textured and wondrous. Others (like me) do
> none of the above very well, but have a great appreciation for the creativity of
> others (such as their music).
> It's all about tolerance of one another, IMHO. We could never host hundreds of
> hikers without it. I would suggest that one off the most important items to
> bring along with you on the trail is tolerance. It doesn't cost or weigh
> anything, and it will make everything about your journey through life more
> enjoyable.
l From dsaufley at sprynet.com Thu Jan 20 14:28:04 2005
From: dsaufley at sprynet.com (dsaufley@sprynet.com)
Date: Thu Jan 20 14:44:14 2005
Subject: [pct-l] Cell Phone Trips
Message-ID: <28847261.1106252884829.JavaMail.root@wamui10.slb.atl.earthlink.net>
As a bit of travel triva, the "Lizard Man" episode of Star Trek was filmed at Vasquez Rocks. Yup, Cap'n Kirk and the lizard fought it out right on Ship Rock. Also, beautiful Vasquez Rocks was location for Bedrock in the first Flinstones movie. The movie folks invited the public to view the town they built, and caused such a stampede and traffic jam that some folks are still steamed about it.
VR has been a film location since the earliest days of silent films . . . hikers sometimes walk through movieand TV production sets on their way through the county park. I like it when they light up the rocks at night (but I'm glad I don't live any closer).
-=Donna Saufley=-
-----Original Message-----
From: Kraig Mottar <kraig.mottar@verizon.net>
Sent: Jan 19, 2005 4:55 PM
To: Monte Dodge <montedodge@msn.com>, pct-l <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Cell Phone Trips
Does this have anything to do with the mark of the beast?
I'm not maniacally religious, but I do believe many religious stories may be prophetic, though they are still taken a bit too far by the devout. Though, I'm considered a heathan, which I take as a compliment, when it is discovered by the devout that I sometimes simultaneously accept such stories and prophrcies that are supposed to conflict.
When you turn off a cell phone does it transmit anything? One problem I have with cell phone is the dog leash aspect. I may buy a cel phone but I would never accept one as a "gift".
And I will never allow any hardware to be put into my body. Though, its usually put there without one knowledge when one is unconscious. That should creap me out because I do have metal pins in my leg. As far as I know, they are just metal pins, there for a physical purpose. Though, there could be purposes for them that weren't revealed to me. One was removed becuase I thought it would give me more mobility. I may ask that the other be removed.
This talk of technology on the trail has reminded me of a Star Trek movie where Captain Kirk was climbing Half Dome when Spock flew up propelled by rocket propelled boots.
> From: "Monte Dodge" <montedodge@msn.com>
> Date: 2005/01/19 Wed PM 03:39:45 PST
> To: "pct-l" <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
> Subject: [pct-l] Cell Phone Trips
> The nice thing about cell phones is Big Brother can track your trip on his own website. Let's see, " Monte went to Safeway 79 times last year and hiked 238 miles along PCT". All I need now is an " On Star" chip implanted in my forehead or right hand and I will be set. Cell phones built past 1998 have GPS CHIP built into it to help " 911" folks out,, which it does, but is used along with your Credit Card to , " Profile" person. Your old cell phones from early 1990's didn't have the new Super chip. All new printers have tell tale yellow dots to track a picture to the printer it was made from with serial number. This to to stop counterfeiters. Every purchase you have bought on a credit card since 1979 is recorded on the big machine in Brussels.
> Next trip I think the cell phone stays home. As good as hearing its ring on a Lake Shore at 9,000 ft. during sunset can be.the Sierras , Winds, etc. will become a little more important. Yes they have saved life's ( esp, on climbs or winter trips) but danger is what make adventures great . Live on the Edge and leave the cell phone home.............Ring Ring Ring,,,,, Yes Grandma, it is raining up here and I DID bring my raingear and yes I will be careful of bears and snakes,,,, Good bye,,,, &*#@%$<mailto:&*#@%$>&*!!!!!!!
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