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[pct-l] Snow depth telemetry stations for CA-PCT and Alpine Sierra
- Subject: [pct-l] Snow depth telemetry stations for CA-PCT and Alpine Sierra
- From: losthiker at sisqtel.net (Deems)
- Date: Mon Jan 17 16:46:45 2005
That's a pretty bold projection of the snow data for so early a date. 1997
had more snow on the ground on this date that there is now but turned out
to be a very average year when it came thru-hiking season. 1995 was below
average at this date and almost none of the thru-hikers made it through
the Sierras on a continuous hike from Campo.
The date that the snow clears the trail varies a lot depending on the
spring weather conditions. There's no way to tell yet what that might be
It'll be at least mid-March before you can make predictions with much
accuracy about how much snow will be on the trail in June. There's a
couple few folks on the list who make their yearly prognostications April
1st. There's darn good reason they wait until then.
On the other hand, you might be dead on. I just don't think we can tell
what the snow conditions will be like yet.
Of course it's only my opinion on the snow trend so far, but nature plays by her own rules. Time will tell.
The PCT hikers should plan for her many moods, and accept nature on her terms. The snotel stations
are only a hint of what she has in mind for your PCT adventures this year. Any thruhike is an adventure in
survival, planning for the known and unknown, and to test the boundaries of each hiker's experience and spirit
against the long trail. Hikon!