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[pct-l] Radio Propagation

Uh, yeah, what he said...

My 2 cents:

AM radio travels farther than FM because the frequency is lower, so it
bounces off the troposphere more easily, while FM frequencies are more
line-of-sight. More importantly, some AM radio stations run much more power
than FM stations, especially at night. The downside to AM is that because
the wavelength is so much longer than FM the antenna needs to be much

My preference is to listen to the wind, streams, and critters rather than
music. While I only section hike at this time, I don't listen to much music
at home either. I like the idea of stealing shoes from those with loud
radios, though! I would suggest that those hiking with earphones use just
one so you can hear the bears and lions sneaking up on you!

I do carry a radio, but it's a VHF/UHF ham radio. For more info on this, see
my other website at www.qsl.net/aa6j/pct . 
