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Hear, hear for another extension of alphabet soup weekend! (totally apt
term by 2004 hiker Izzy)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuckie V" <rubberchuckie@yahoo.com>
To: "PCT-List" <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Cc: <Bighummel@aol.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 4:24 PM
>>>>>Bighummel@aol.com wrote: Chuckie, I like the idea. It could be called
>>>>>"bring out your most useless item" contest. My job as coordinator of
>>>>>the event is to delegate. Thus, I hereby appoint you to the exalted
>>>>>post of cooridinator of this contest! We will have enough going on
>>>>>Saturday, how about Friday? -Greg
> The first annual "ADZPCTKOPBOYMUIC" it is. Annual Day Zero Pacific Crest
> Trail Kick-Off Party Bring Out Your Most Useless Item Contest!
> Whew.
> All I ask, as newly appointed coordinator (damn you Greg!), is a small
> mention of said contest on the website to bring awareness to prospective
> thru-hikers, if they indeed care to sign up. This is especially important
> since the event will occur on Friday. It is important to remember that the
> point of such a contest won't be to ridicule anyone (other than the
> coordinator of said contest) but rather to enlighten (and, of course,
> lighten) potential thru-hikers.
> As coordinator, I am now hereby seeking applicants for our "expert" panel.
> Anyone? To be considered for such a panel, you must have carried a full
> backpack to the refrigerator (and back to the couch) at least once in the
> past ten years. I also think it wise to have at least one thru-hiker (of
> the PCT or any other major long trail) from the prehistoric Stone Age era
> as well as some thru-hikers with a more modern-day approach. We'll need at
> least one female on the panel and someone of Flyin' Brian's caliber too.
> If anyone would like to share ideas, please feel free to. I've never been
> a coordinator of anything in my life; heck, my VCR still flashes "12:00"
> repeatedly.
> I will send another such request as the event draws nearer, until our
> panel is full.
> Nearly Sincerely,
> Chuckie
> Newly appointed ADZPCTKOPBOYMUIC
> Coordinator...."12:00"..."12:00"..."12:00"...
>>>>>>>>rubberchuckie@yahoo.com writes:
> Strider, et al....this could be a highly entertaining event at the
> kick-off! A prospective thru-hiker can (if he or she chooses) show their
> gear in front of an "expert" panel consisting of an odd number of (odd)
> people. A majority ruling of 'yay' or 'nay' tells the hiker the jury's
> finding. Of course, the judge (the prospective hiker) has the final say on
> the matter and can choose to sentence themselves to a more burdensome hike
> if they see fit (do I sound impartial?). Besides, sending stuff home from
> there can't be easy anyway.
> Heck, the panel can include as many people as possible to get everyone
> involved, though the "expert" part might then have to be disregarded.
> Had I had access to such expertise I'd probably have saved thousands on
> chiropractic bills these past couple of years.
> -Chuckie
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