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[pct-l] pct where?
The PCT runs a bit east of Mentone. It was deliberately routed east of the
San Gorgonio Wilderness to avoid adding more users to that area. (I suppose
this is "good" for the cause, but sad given how beautiful that area is.)
The PCT leaves Interstate 10 near the Verbenia exit just west of Hwy 111 and
works its way over a few hills to the Whitewater River (a bit north of the
trout farm), then goes up Mission Creek to Mission Springs Trail Camp (off
the road out of Heart Bar Campground). I then curves northeast to pass just
east of Onyx Summit on Hwy 38. From there it heads east of Baldwin Lake to
Hwy 18 and then up along the ridge north of Big Bear Lake to Holcomb Creek,
Deep Creek, and East Forks Mojave River Dam.
There are not mile markers on the PCT, but are usually a marker at
junctions. This can be a 4x4 post with the PCT emblem stamped into it, or
color PCT emblem nailed to a tree.
Kraig, you really should buy a guidebook, as the answers to everything you
ask are in there, and you'll want it when you start hiking the trail anyway.
Enjoy your hike.
-----Original Message-----
Actually, I don't live in Riverside, though, I mostly grewup there.
I live in Mentone off hwy 38.
So, where does it come nearest to where I live?
Are there mile markers on the PCT? Though, I plan to get a GPS.