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[pct-l] Trail Report Section D east end

There are actually two wild animal refuges near the PCT in So. Cal; one at Big Bear, and Tippy Hedren's "Shambala" in Acton.  The roar of the lions, tigers, and bears have given many a hiker stories to tell!  My favorite was a guy who inadvertently camped just feet away from a lion's cage in Big Bear.  In the night, the lion roared and scared the eebeejeebees out of him.  They knew about the refuge, though, and consequently didn't panic.

Which leads to another story about a solo hiker who heard rustling outside of her tent at night, and became panic stricken. Approaching noon the next day, a hiker found her inside her tent, still too afraid to come out.  What scared her so by making noise in the night?  Cows. 


-----Original Message-----
From: AsABat <AsABat@4Jeffrey.Net>
Sent: Oct 25, 2004 5:28 PM
To: 'Cathy' <tahoe.cat@verizon.net>, 'Bruce Harvey' <bharve@dslextreme.com>
Cc: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: RE: [pct-l] Trail Report Section D east end

-----Original Message-----
One other comment, why isn't there any mention
of the wild animal ranch right next to the trail? At least I have not seen

Ben mentioned some months ago that the owners preferred that it not be
included to reduce tourist traffic. Makes sense to me. 

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