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[pct-l] health insurance

I am in the insurance industry in Southern California and the trick will be to try to get a plan that covers you equally in all three states.  That would rule out PPO and HMO and you'd be left with scheduled Indemity plans.  There are a few in CAL -- MEGA and MIDWEST are two credible ones.  Email me off list if you want more info.

Eric <radpin@gmail.com> wrote:
Being young (not too many chronic problems.... yet) and living close
to Mexico (cheap perscription drugs) I don't have health insurance.
But I'm planning on getting some for the year of this trip, including
my training for it. Anyone have any thoughts on this aside from the
obvious (get good coverage and don't get totally screwed in the

I'm keeping some antibiotics (amox) in my bounce box to be on the safe side. 

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