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[pct-l] Looking for PCT partner
Sorry to beat the horse to death, but all the points are right on. There will
be many fine folks from which to choose. This is how so many groups form on
the trail, with many people sharing similar pace, schedule and general
enjoyment for one another.
Before I hiked the AT i was somewhat forced by my mom (I was 19 at the time) to
find a partner. Since none of my friends were willing to take a semester off
to hike for 5 months I find what I thought was a compatible partner on the
internet. We exchanged emails and some phone calls prior to the starting date.
She was nice enough, and we got along well. Be both were strong hikers and
seemed from a distance like a good match. We travelled in the same group for
the first 3 days. Then she was forced into a zero day with bad blisters, and I
of course, wanted to hike on. We split. I saw her on and off for the next
month. We were no longer partners, just two hikers traveling among a pack of
other friends, If I saw her at a shelter, great, but we didn't keep tabs on
one another.
One of the great aspects of a long-distance hike is the freedom to do what you
want. its great to not be tied down and able to hike as far and long as you
want. Or to take an unexpected zero day or camp anywhere. Adapting to others
needs and schedules is something I'd not want to do, unless of course I was in