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[pct-l] ADA
hahaha another slow down there maaaan. Again, the burdens sometimes seem
disproportionate to the the numbers of users. I'm aching all over from
moving 3 150 lb. cactus away from the sidewalk this last sunday because one
couple complained when she stuck herself while swinging her arms, while 100s
of people passed by every week with no problem. dirt everywhere, garden all
torn up. heh heh.
o/t o/t o/t !!!,
stickin' up for my people !!!
and the bears !!!
----- Original Message -----
From: <jeff.singewald@commerceone.com>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 9:10 AM
Subject: RE: [pct-l] ADA
> Jan,
> Unfair? Give me a break! How bout plopping yourself into a wheelchair
for a day or a week and experience what it might be like to live your life
in one. Keep in mind, most people that are disabled, are not disabled by
their choosing. Some are born with handicaps and some incur them throughout
their lifes. Believe it or not, some handicaps are the result of accidents
that may not even be the fault of the disabled. You indicate that you have
no problem with compassion for those that are challenged and suggest that
people of this country should pay to make it happen, but as it is now the
burden falls on the property owner. Come on! What's next, Jan? Should
property owners, such as restaurants and hotels, not be required to ensure
safe drinking water and proper food preparation and storage facilities?
Should we assume that since these are public-accessible facilities and that
we may one day frequent these businesses that we should pay for them? No,
it is the cost of doing business in this country to make your business
suitable for ALL people.
> Jeff
> >I have no problem with the benefits and compassion for those who are
> >challenged. If the people of this country choose to legislate to create
> >a barrier free environment, then the people of this country should pay
> >to make it happen.
> >The way it is now, the property owner must provide out of his/her own
> >pocket. Seems unfair to me.
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- References:
- [pct-l] ADA
- From: jeff.singewald at commerceone.com (jeff.singewald@commerceone.com)