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[pct-l] Distance of the intire PCT IN CANADA
that would be AWESOME to connect the PCT, CDT, and AT via a trail in
Canada!!! Canadians, write your politicians!
> When I was in Novia Scotia this Spring I was talking a ranger like
> person and he said that there was talk about making a rails to trails
> - like hike going EAST & WEST across all of Canada. He claimed that
> the areas that are presently complete are around residential areas and
> that the goal was to connect them all....... I told him, it would be
> cool if it would connect to the AT and the PCT and the CDT ---
> Would that not be an awesome circuit with some creative scheduling for
> weather. He honestly had no power but was circulating information or
> rumor depending and not certain how close to reality.
> Is there any talk of connecting the Florida trail to the AT?
> Duane- Shutterbug
> dude <dude@fastmail.ca> wrote:
> this is my understanding as well; the PCT is a "National Scenic
> Trail", which would seem to indicate that its officially a trail that
> is defined by the United States. I heard some talk about Canada
> continuing the trail north once it reaches the US/Canadian border, but
> I have no idea of the actual existence of any trail or plans for a
> trail.
> I'd also have to echo others who have posted about the "official"
> length of the PCT. This varies so dramatically depending on a number
> of variables:
> 1. detours due to fire, blowdowns, trail mainentance, other
> envorinmental concerns.
> 2. depending on if the hiker includes distance from the trail to
> resupply points (I'd have to say that over the entire PCT, this could
> easily be far more than 100 miles. For instance, the Kearsarge Pass
> trail into Independece, Ca is 18 miles total, out and back).
> 3. other detours that many people take to see different sights, such
> as Mt Whitney, Rainbow Falls, Yosemite Valley, Lake Tahoe, etc. Of
> course, these side trails are not part of the "official" distance, but
> the hiker may wish to include the distance in his or her total miles
> hiked.
> Additionally if it is a heavy snow year, like it was in 1998, it is
> virtually impossible to ensure that you are actually following the
> trail since it is under 20 ft of snow for miles on end in certain
> spots.
> Having said all that, I'd agree with the approximate figure of 2650
> miles. In fact, when people ask me in conversation, I usually just say
> 2600 miles.
> peace,
> dude
>> To my knowledge, the trail at this time is just in the USA. Some
>> folks may piece together some Canadian trails to go further north.
>> How long is the USA trail? Difficult to say exactly because it often
>> changes because of detours due to natural causes (fires, washouts,
>> etc.) or routes changes (as land is acquired). It is about 2650
>> miles, this year longer because of the Washington detour.
>> And, if you include going to resupply stops, you can easily add
>> another 50-100 miles of hiking, depending on where you stop.
>> At any rate, it is a long, glorious trail. And those that do the
>> whole trail in one season often wish it had no end - and those who
>> are at home, like me, wish we were on it.
>> Marshall Karon
>> Portland, OR
>> m.karon@comcast.net
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Norma"
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 11:04 AM
>> Subject: [pct-l] Distance of the intire PCT ?
>> Can anybody tell me just how long the PCT is,not just in the United
>> States,the intire trail, Howard
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