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[pct-l] Scout Merit Badge Hikes
there are lots of 20 mile segments in Oregon, but you need to choose
something fairly easy , that can be driven to at both ends and in the
middle, that do not involve hazardous terrain, confusing trail junctions,
have easy acess from trailheads and for you probably good access from the
west side of the cascades.
The Santiam to McKenzie Pass would be a long way down on my list for Scouts.
That lava is very hard on the feet and boots, not to mention the lack of
appeal(any slip or fall would have immediate consequences). This segment is
only 17 miles and very unscenic and no water and not much easy
straightforward access in the middle. Mainly this is the area of last years
big burn. I do not know the exact boundries of the burn but this area was
closed during theburn. It also includes a sizeable climb around Belnap and
Mt Washington. I advise you to hike this section first if you plan to do it
with the scouts.
Better you should go to Willimette Pass and hike the 18 miles to summit
Lake. This goes past Diamond Peak and should not be considered in a
thunderstorm, which is what I was contending with. Or the PCT alternate of
Willemette Pass to Crescent Lake on the Whitefish trail (dusty, not scenic,
you could add a few miles on either end). Summit Lake to Windigo Pass would
seem to be good, but I would not drive road 60 again even with a 4WD, and
some of the trail junctions are not marked(I ended up at Waldo Lake). Also
no good roads for half way points and an old fire created a lot of downed
You might also consider some 20 mile segments near Ashland. I realize that
is a long way to drive but it is a fairly quick straight forward drive to
Ashland on I-5. 20 mile segment between wrangle Gap to I-5 (long drive into
Wrangle Gap and the last part on rough dirt road, trail crosses the road
numerous times, scenic, and fairly flat, water, campgrounds) I-5 to Little
Hyatt Reservoir (few easy road crossings, not a lot of water, fairly scenic,
water for swimming and camping at end); Little Hyatt Reservoir to DEad
Indian Road (not scenic, confusing trail and road croassings, have to know
where the water is to find it, fairly level and will be cool in the trees).
----- Original Message -----
From: "Logerwell, Russell M" <russ.logerwell@hp.com>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 9:15 AM
Subject: RE: [pct-l] Scout Merit Badge Hikes
> I greatly appreciate all the advice about conditioning the scouts --
> your experience may save some feet and keep their hiking interest high.
> But I was disappointed that only 1 person responded with a 20-mile hike
> suggestion -- thanks 'goforth'.
> Are there so few 20-mile segments in Oregon?
> What about McKenzie Pass to Santiam Pass? Lava at Belnap make this too
> difficult?
> Warmest regards,
> Russ Logerwell
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