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[pct-l] National Park major cutbacks

In a message dated 3/16/04 6:39:23 AM, montedodge@msn.com writes:

<<  Today's news in Seattle today, " Hundreds of seasonal park rangers will 
lose their jobs as the National Parks are scrapped for cash". Visitor center in 
Forks Wash. won't even open this year as a cost cutting measure. >>

And guess what is coming next when you complain about it. Higher fees. You 
KNOW the Republican mantra. Those who use are those who should pay. And guess 
what? A large number of people on this very list will gladly agree with this and 
pay whatever they ask to hike on lands that SHOULD be upkept with income 
taxes that are now being used for, shall we say, "other matters"
 And another thing. Gas prices are being allowed to rise so that disgruntled 
Americans wil give in to a policy of drilling for oil in wilderness areas
 Yep. I'm trolling
  David C