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[pct-l] RE: Bacardi Rum as Fuel

Now THAT'S what I call "Alcohol Abuse"....

I was commenting on the multi-fuel capabilities of my stove with my hiking partner and the idea that a very high proof liquor should burn as well as some of the other listed fuels. And then I remembered my high school chemistry: "The more distilled alcohol is, the lighter it gets..."
But really, if I had a pint of 151, I'd forget about cooking....

M i c h a e l   S a e n z
McLarand Vasquez Emsiek & Partners, Inc.
A r c h i t e c t u r e    P l a n n i n g    I n t e r i o r s
w  w  w  .  m  v  e  -  a  r  c  h  i  t  e  c  t  s  .  c  o  m

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	John Coyle [mailto:jcoyle@sanjuan.edu] 
Sent:	Thursday, March 11, 2004 10:59 AM
To:	'pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net'
Subject:	[pct-l] RE: Bacardi Rum as Fuel

On Wednesday March 10th Steve Sergeant wrote, "I discovered that Bacardi 151
rum burns pretty well in a "cat stove."

Oh now you've done it, my Irish Grandfather is rolling over in his grave at
the suggestion of using perfectly good heart medicine in such a manner--and
so close to St. Patrick's day.  I can still hear him saying, "Moderate
consumption of alcohol is good for the heart little Johnny, and as you know,
I have a very strong heart."

John Coyle
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