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[pct-l] Plagiarism (Was: tips and tricks - problems.)

I wish to retract my previous statement in which I suggested that David 
just post his document and have those concerned with copyright file a 
lawsuit if they so choose.

I did not understand the whole story and did not realize that there was 
actual copyrighted material contained in the document.  I thought that 
it was just a simple compilation of the simple ramblings like I post, 
and that the person who complained was just complaining about someone 
using their random simple post. This was not the case.

In no way do I support the purposeful violation of someone's copyright 
and theft of their hard work and intellectual property.  My suggestion 
to post it anyway was made before I had all the facts.

Lastly, in no way is post meant to disparage david's innocent attempt 
to help the pct hiker community.  His quick response to remove the 
document once it was clear that copyrights were violated should be 


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