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[pct-l] PCT History on the Web

For you who may be interested in some of the roots of the PCT check out these 
three websites;


This is a copy of the book that Clinton C. Clarke wrote in his effort to 
persuade Congress to designate the PCT and AT protection and which, it can be 
said, directly led to the eventual passage of the National Scenic Trails Act.



This is a website run by Warren Roger's family that offers some cool historic 
info on his relationship with Clarke and other early PCT Conference info.



I was just turned on to this by Bob Rellinwood.  It is an account of the 
Murray family who in 1969 and 1970 took their family on a horseback ride from 
Mexico to Canada on the then infant PCT and was written about in Life Magazine in 
the Sept. 3, 1971 issue.

Good stuff.  However, Murray may not have all of his facts straight.  I have 
several more people who hiked in 1972 who he says actually hiked in 1971 and 
he doesn't mention Ryback or Jo & Mugs Knezacek (who actually did hike in 
1971).  But then, my memory is fading rapidly after 27 years too. 

Anyone know anything about Jo & Mugs Knezacek? 

Best regards,

Greg "Strider" Hummel