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[pct-l] bears & food
[A heavy canister weighs 3 pounds which is a day or two's worth of
I did a long section hike this year from the Pink Motel to Mt. Whitney,
and this was my reasoning for carrying a bear can the whole way. If you
and I both start off carrying 40 pounds and I add a bear can, by day two
you're down to 37 pounds and I'm down to 40.
It may weigh as much as a day's food, but it only matters that first
day. My pack just lightened a day later than everybody else's. I was
solo hiking and it was worth it to know that no varmints, large or
small, were going to get my food. Also, by carrying it from the start I
didn't have to bitch & moan & totally rethink my pack at Kennedy Meadows
when it showed up with my resupply.