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[pct-l] comparative stove weights
One thing you might want to think about is how you will get stove
fuel. If you go with an alcohol stove of some sort, you can buy HEET
(or other methyl alcohol) or denatured up and down the trail, although
it was conspicuously absent in Mojave. If you go with a cannister
stove, you will have to mail yourself the cannisters and deal with
whatever regulations the USPS has for them.
On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Plotnikoff, David wrote:
> Greetings (and happy holidays) from a longtime list lurker and section
> hiker.
> As part of my planning for next year's section hikes (Peavine Creek to
> Willamette Pass), I'm re-examining a lot in my packing list, including
> stoves. I've had good luck with MSR Whisperlites over the years, but am
> looking at other options. (I took a fair amount of ribbing from the thrus in
> Sierra City last year over the weight of the whisperlite. You'd have thunk
> I'd had a cast-iron skillet lashed to my pack...)
> In addition to building the Cat and Pepsi stoves, I'm also considering the
> MSR Pocket Rocket or the comparable Gigapeak gas stove. (My stripped down
> whisperlite with 6 oz of fuel is 20 oz. The Pocket Rocket with its smallest
> cannister may be a tad less than half that.) Being unfamiliar with this fuel
> type, I was hoping someone could tell me:
> What's the true weight of the smallest possible cannister these stoves will
> accomodate?
> Are the gas stoves now standards-based so the cartridges are
> interchangeable?
> Short of shaking the can and guessing, how can I estimate how many boils I
> have left in a can?
> And, finally, any other pro or con experience that might help me make an
> informed decision.
> Nine months of planning and scheming is how I stay sane between my times on
> the trail....
> Many thanks.
> David Plotnikoff
> San Jose Mercury News
> (408) 920-5867
> dplotnikoff@mercurynews.com
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Christopher Willett
Department of Mathematics
Indiana University
831 East Third Street
Bloomington, IN. 47405-7106