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[pct-l] 2005 hiking plans
Selling the house to hike the PCT? Unless you really want to relocate, I'm
wondering why you would want to do that? I'd try to find someone to rent it
during your absence and take care of the animals. Or, just find some one to
live in it without rent. Hiking the PCT (or any trail), does take $, but
once you have your equipment, the main costs are for food (you would eat
anyway), postage, resupply rooms, etc. Of course, since you aren't earning
any $ while hiking, you need to have the money set aside plus money for
keeping the house running.
If want to do a through hike and your child graduate next June 2004, you do
need to wait until 2005 start. Alternately, you could split it into two
parts. Everyone learns from hiking what to do. Many hikers have taken 1 to 2
months treks on the PCT before doing a through hike. You may want to
consider doing that. You won't be so anxious.
As for getting ready, the longer you plan the more time you take for
worrying, etc. We thought about doing the hike in October, decided to do it
in January, and spent the next few months in a frenzy of buying equipment,
food, counting and measuring and bagging, packing boxes until we were worn
out. The trail was fabulous - much more enjoyable that all of the work that
came before.
Attend the ALDHA-West Gathering this October 3-5 at the Lake Wenatchee YMCA
camp Washington near Stevens Pass (go to www.aldhawest.org). Next spring
attend the kick-off at Lake Morena (last week-end of April). You get
inspired and learn what others have done.
Get the Town Guide from the PCTA plus other books. If you don't have
equipment, start looking. Before the hike, train, train, train ... that
means hiking increasingly longer distances with a pack to build endurance,
strength, and learn how your gear works. If you intend to ship yourself
resupply foods, start experimenting to find out what you would eat. If you
intend to dry your own foods, start that too.
And don't over plan. That will kill the fun.
Marshall Karon
Portland, OR
----- Original Message -----
From: <conniedavis@earthlink.net>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 7:12 AM
Subject: [pct-l] 2005 hiking plans
> My son and I are also planning for a 2005 hike start. My inspiration was
Cindy Ross' book. I have been dreaming about doing the trail for 14 years,
just waiting for my kids to grow up! My third child (my hiking partner)
graduates from high school this year or else we'd be on the trail in 2004. I
would love to hear what others did in preparation in the year before. We are
planning on reading the guide books starting this spring (synchronizing the
reading throughout the spring-summer months with about where we think we
will be on the trail in the next year) and doing a lengthy hike in summer of
2004 to get some practice. Our longes trip prior to this was 10 days with
more frequent resupplies that we will have on the PCT. We watched the 4
hour long videotape last year. What a trip that is!
> The financing involves selling the house and taking a leave of absence
from work. (I'm a nurse practitioner, so right now, finding work is not a
problem.) My biggest issue is arranging care for my menagerie while I am
gone (cats, llamas, dogs.)
> Connie Davis aka LNT Lady
> State Advocate for Leave No Trace in Washington
> Vashon Island, WA
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