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[pct-l] Re: OK to redefine goals - pct 2003

> I had/have trouble with re-entry after this 
year's 1000 miles of the PCT too. I can't think about anything else but planning 
another hike. 

This seems to be universal.   Pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago look forward
to finally arriving - and immediately begin planning to do it again next
year.    A different kind of experience in some ways, immediately familiar
in others.   Unlike the PCT, with 100-200 finishers per year, the Camino
Francés sees that many each day in the summer months.   Not having the
advantage of living nearby, I had to do the Camino in one piece, unlike
my section-at-a-time approach to the PCT.   
 http://pcnst.oakapple.net (but this year's photos won't be in place 
  for several days)