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[pct-l] money question
>From what I saw while I was hanging around the Truckee/Tahoe area, by the
time people get through Yosemite very few of them can resist getting
hotel/motel rooms and town meals. Also, Tahoe, with all its temptations, is
just a couple of miles off the trail. Most of those casinos have buffets.
And I did not meet a single hiker who did not have to replace more than just
shoes. I myself shuttled a carload down to Reno to the REI and Sierra
Trading Post for clothes. They wear out on the trail and you won't know
when. We also took people grocery shopping, bought them beers, etc. Lots of
people will buy beers for thru hikers, knowing they have limited money. I
have heard many, many stories about people offering free housing, showers,
beer, food, rides, etc. I would not go out there with less than 2 or 3 grand
available, in case I needed it. MARSANNE