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[pct-l] Light Packs
I considered both as the finalists on my "short list", and went with the P2.
Having the sewn-on belt pouches helps organization a lot (sunbloc, Aquamira,
hand soap, Deet Spray and TP in one, Compass, lip balm, Juice S2 knife [very
effective against bears], 2 Photons, Ion lamp, pen, maps, trail guide,
tincture of Cayenne, head net and lemon candies in the other, i.e. access
without taking off the bag and losing momentum or the extra half pound of
even a light weight fanny pack). The P2 (I remove the pouch unless I'm
planning on peak bagging because then the belt is removeable [special
add-on] and attaches to the belt) without the top pouch and top extension
(shouldn't have gotten the center zip) weighs 44.7 which is over a half
pound less than the Aether 60. Even without the pouch, packed for 3 days
this weekend at Sonora Pass (16 pounds with food but no water), I have a
good 300 cubes excess room. Having the Squall, Megalite and Montbell Inner
jacket helps keep volume and weight down. Since I'll eat more daily when I
do the JMT starting Aug 25, it'll probably fill up the bag especially after
resupplying at Muir Ranch going SoBo.
There are Aether 60 in large (20+" torso length) sizes at Northern Mt.
Supply for $137. The torso can be adjusted, a great feature, so after the
JMT, I'll decide.
I'd like to see your and Kurt's gear list. Jim keeps his in his head but he
is a prodigous walker.
Gotta get on the road,
PCT '04 GonnaBe
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Bowlsby" <BrianBowlsby@ieice.com>
To: "'Kurt Johnson'" <piedra2901@yahoo.com>; "'Jim Keener'"
<jkeener@backpacker.com>; <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 5:02 PM
Subject: RE: [pct-l] Light Packs
> I recently purchased an Aether 60 and am very pleased with it. I highly
> recommend it!
> I too am hiking the JMT in mid-august and will be thru-hiking the PCT in
> 2004 using it. Initially, I too was looking at the P-2, but decided to go
> with the Osprey instead, since it had all the features I wanted and was
> available immediately! Maybe I'll see you on the trail in August?
> Brian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kurt Johnson [mailto:piedra2901@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 4:47 PM
> To: Jim Keener; pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
> Subject: Re: [pct-l] Light Packs
> The Osprey Aether 60 has been rated very highly and weighs in at 54 oz
> compared to 52 oz for a P2 (with most of the common add-ons). Available
> many retailers ($199 at REI).
> Jim Keener <jkeener@backpacker.com> wrote:Greetings:
> Old subject, I know, but I had just decided to get a P-2 and wanted one in
> time for a JMT hike in mid-August. No suck luck. There is a 12 week wait
> time for them.
> Any suggestions?
> Peace,
> Jim
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