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[pct-l] Tehachapi to KM water
In '94 there were no water caches, and we filtered, oh, maybe 2 gallons from
the spring at Kelso Valley/Butterbredt Canyon road junction. What a stew
(at least, anything with a cow ribcage protruding from it must be a stew -
can't really be a clean water source now, can it?) Chuck (Igor) managed to
find a trickle of cleanish water flowing over a cottonwood root, and dipper
by dipper, filled the water bag for treating. While he was collecting
"water" ;-), he looked behind him to see the ribcage he'd not seen in his
quest for an inlet to the the "pond." eeeewwwww......and Igor, the
gentleman, didn't tell me about the ribcage until sometime later, probably
after McGiver's Cabin.
This nettle-choked seep is on my personal (fwiw) list for future PCT
projects, if the property owner/lessee is willing to fence off some of the
spring from cattle. Seems that a concerted effort could render the spring
suitable for human access. In 2001, Igor & I visited the spring to see if
anything had changed... it seemed that the spring itself was only more
nettle choked and nasty than it had been in '94, suitable only for birds,
small mammals, and nettle-immune cattle.
Thank goodness for the trail angel who supplies the water cache on the
Christine "Ceanothus" Kudija
"Never measure the height of a mountain, until you have reached the top.
Then you will see how low it was." Dag Hammarskjold
----- Original Message -----
From: "yogi hicker" <yogilists@hotmail.com>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 3:37 PM
Subject: [pct-l] Tehachapi to KM water
Donna's right about the water at Butterbredt Canyon Road being an
unappealing mud hole, and Yellow Jacket Spring being just a seep.
However, last year when the caches at Kelso Valley Road and Bird Spring Pass
were EMPTY, we all drank the "cow-ass" water at Butterbredt Canyon Road and
the water from the squishy meadow at Yellow Jacket Spring.
I guess my definition of whether or not water is drinkable is directly
related to how thirsty I am.
By the way, Donna do you know if the water at Camp Glenwood (mile 401.2) and
Mill Creek (mile 419.2) will be turned on this year? Last year, water was
off at both places.
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