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[pct-l] re: corn pasta
When "corn pasta" morphed to the offensive commentary such as Moose's rant
below I posted a response switching the subject line to "Quotations - WAS
"corn pasta." " At the risk of perpetuating a flame war, at the same time
a real war has begun (my opinions on said war will remain off list) I am
moved to request that the list administrator remove further posts on this
topic from the list. I'm also including the attached thread in hopes of
informing those who receive individual emails and might have missed the
thread below.
Moose, in _fact_, the administrator CAN control what gets posted, even
though none of us can control whatever any of us WANTS to post. Seems to me
that a bit of self control is in order here. Name calling is inappropriate,
nasty and mean - with the limited exception of friendly banter that
sometimes occurs on this list. I would hope that we can recognize the
distinction between nasty and friendly name-calling.
That said, the last two lines of Moose's post below constitute, imho, the
extremely nasty kind. They have no place on this list - and I wish they had
no place on any other. I realize that I'm inviting further flames and ask
that calmer listers forgive me.
Returning to topic on my next post, I remain -
Christine "Ceanothus" Kudija
"Never measure the height of a mountain, until you have reached the top.
Then you will see how low it was." Dag Hammarskjold
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Musielewicz" <jmuielewicz@yahoo.com>
To: "Richard Cox" <web@rlcconsulting.com>; "'Pacific Crest Trail Mailing
List'" <PCT-L@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] re: corn pasta
No. If you aren't interested don't read it and don't post on the subject.
Whining and crying and stamping your little foot because you have some
dellusion you can control what other people want to post will get you
nowhere but it will give you the reputation of being a net-nazi crybaby.
I'd be willing to bet Richard Cox is one of those baptist religious nuts
that make web pages like this: www.godhatesfags.com .
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Cox" <web@rlcconsulting.com>
To: "'Pacific Crest Trail Mailing List'" <PCT-L@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 2:04 PM
Subject: RE: [pct-l] re: corn pasta
Can we please keep the religious wars here to bear canisters and giardia
Each of you is right, for you.
Hike your own hike
Believe your own belief
Discuss on topic
PCT - Class of 2003
37=B034.196' N, 122=B019.448' W (WGS 84)
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