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[pct-l] Roads into Wilderness Areas

I can just see it now.  Inyo County will claim the PCT as an unimproved
roadway within their jurisdiction and, in due course, a new six lane highway
will help those fat, lazy, beer-guzzling, twinky-eating,
fluzzie-mistress-in-the-closet, dirty, corrupt, Washington Bureaucrat-Fat
Cats a tool into Yosemite NP from the new access road; coming up from Fresno
along the San Joaquin River through Red's Meadow, Agnew Meadows and deeply
cut into the ridge below the "Ridge Trail" so that the tourists can get a
great view of the Minarettes and beeeeaaaauuuutttttiiiffffuuullll lakes and
scenery of the Ansel Adams (RIP) "Wilderness" Area, and over Island Pass and
right down the middle of Lyell Canyon into Toulumne Meadows!   If you don't
think that this can happen then take a look at the newspaper clippings on the
wall of the cafe at Red's Meadow in which, then governor, Ronald Reagan in
the early 1970's proposed a six lane highway connecting Fresno with Mammoth
Lakes through Red's Meadow!

When that happens you will find me camped out on the White House lawn for 6
months instead of re-hiking the PCT.
