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[pct-l] Toenails, PCT Preparation

Hey Frenchie,

I wouldn't recommend it, but NimbleWill Nomad had all of his toenails
removed prior to his 4,000 mile trek.  I think many of us have lost a few
toenails here and there.  It might help to keep your toenails clipped so
that they do not rub against your shoe toebox.  Of course, on the steep
downhills that may be difficult to avoid.  Good luck!!

Lady Leaper PCT 2002
On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 14:21:15 -0500, "Lamarre, Jacques"
<JLamarre@osc.uscg.mil> wrote :

> Hello,
> Has anyone lost all or most of their toenails when hiking long distances
> over a period of time?
> I was wondering if there is there anything that can be done to toenails
> prior to hiking long distances?
> (besides assuring a good fit, doing alot of hiking before hand and keeping
> them clipped)
> I hope this question isn't too stupid.....
> frenchie '98
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