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[pct-l] RE: Vermilion Valley Phone

Tom -

You're on the right track, but just need a little clarification.

The phone at VVR is actually cellular.  It uses the AT&T cellular
network, AND ONLY the AT&T cellular network.  The cost is high because
AT&T is high (they have a captive market).  Also because they have a
limited amount of phone lines for inbound calls (reservations, etc), and
outbound (credit card auths, amongst other things), they can't afford to
have people on the phone all day.

If you have a cell phone on the AT&T network and visit VVR, you can use
your own cell phone.  Otherwise, you'll need to use theirs.

One more exciting thing that many may not know... they installed a high
speed satellite cable system at VVR in July.  They now have laptops to
rent out so that anyone can email people or surf.  That will be a lot
cheaper than using the phone.

One thing that always amuses me when I read things about VVR on the
Internet; people seem to assume that things should cost the same there
than elsewhere... probably because they seem to be "civilization" in the
middle of the trail.  The truth is - the road to VVR takes 1 hour and 20
minutes to travel FIFTEEN miles.  It is narrow, windy, and often times
treacherous.  And EVERYTHING that is sold, cooked or stored at VVR comes
up that road (yes, even your resupply packages, the motor homes, the
tents, the BOATS) EVERYTHING comes up and down that road.  Travel the
road once and you'll gain a new appreciation for the folks that make VVR
hum.  And I'll bet you'll say what I've heard many first time road
travelers say... "You don't charge enough!"

Bill Richardson
Webmaster, VermilionValley.com

Message: 7
From: "Tom Simon" <tsimon10@cogeco.ca>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 16:15:09 -0400
Subject: [pct-l] Re: Vermillion Valley Phone

This is just a note regarding Susan Faidley's JMT trip report. There is
very good reason that it is $2 per minute to phone out of Vermillion
Valley - there is no phone line. They have a radio phone setup and you
imagine it is costly to operate an entire 2 way radio system as compared
two wires.