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[pct-l] Re: Feet treatment
YOO HOO OVER HERE. I hilked the entire PCT (99) in Red Wing Hiking BOOTS and
had no blisters!! 110 mile hike this year in the Grand Canyon in
non-blistering heat IN THE EXACT SAME BOOTS. ( They last as long as TWENTY
PAIRS of N.B. 80-whatevers) Ditto for a 100 mile trek offtrail in the
Olympics. Luckily, there were no ultralites in shoes lurking near the steep
snow slopes, waiting to plead people in BOOTS to kick steps for them. NO
BLISTERS. And I carry no "camp shoes" because the Red Wings are so damn
comfortable that I don't even THINK about taking them off until I crawl into
my sleeping bag. Meanwhile the plastic wrappers from all the foot fix
products, and odorous, fluid soaked pads of all sorts are filling the
trashbags of those "toughening up their feet" So, ultra lite feet trashers,
know for certain that blisters are NOT a certainty and that one CAN INDEED
have happy feet in hiking BOOTS! Now, delete this message, pretend I don't
exist and go right on scabbing over your blisters to "toughen up your feet. "
Serves you right for being so stubbornly revisionist as to throw out the baby
with the bathwater. I mean, like, everbody KNOWS using Hiking Boots for
hiking is SOOOO 19th century that they aren't even contemplatable.