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[pct-l] Sierra Snow

I was in the Sierra this weekend. The bears and mosquitoes are already
there. They already have a pain-in-the a$$ cinamon one at VVR. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Bighummel@aol.com [mailto:Bighummel@aol.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 4:21 PM
To: pct-l@backcountry.net
Subject: [pct-l] Sierra Snow

The snow survey sites for the Kern River show very little snow melting fast.

Further north, snow levels increase, however, they are all showing a 
resumption of the meltoff that was present prior to this last storm and 
should be at acceptable passing levels by the time that it would take to 
reach Forrester Pass walking from Kennedy Meadows.

I would gladly trade sloshing through low snow and crossing raging streams
I could enjoy the High Sierra without horrendous mosquitos and pesty bears, 
in exchange for terrible mosquitos north of Tahoe.  Tom wouldn't, but then, 
Tom usually hikes in the High Sierras much later in the season anyway!


Greg "Strider" Hummel

"Salvitur Ambulando"
(walking solves all things)
            St. Augustine

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