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[pct-l] Tom vs. the bears

Bear Canisters--Need versus legally required.

My understanding is that bear canisters are required from about 8 miles
south of Mammoth in Inyo National Forest to Sonora Pass [all the way through
Yosemite]. There is some dispute about the legality of the Yosemite order
but this is what they mak you think. Between Forrester Pass and Woods Creek
[Kings Canyon National Park] you must use the bear boxs.

My strategy would be to pick up a bear canister in VVR or Mammoth and return
it from Kennedy Meadows on Highway 108.

However, if I somehow fell behind and was in the Sierra in July I would
always carry a bear canister everywhere in the Sierra. I would NEVER sleep
with my food in the tent. I would simply hang it from a handy limb so that
the marmots can't get it and if a bear came I would simply go hungry. There
are too many stories of people being attacked in their tent.


-----Original Message-----
From: HungryHowie [mailto:howie@jschool.troyst.edu]
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 1:14 PM
To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: [pct-l] Tom vs. the bears


At the kick off, you clearly explained the areas where PCT hikers need
to carry canisters and/or use bear boxes. Can you run through that one
more time for me please?

I remember you saying that the law doesn't require hikers using the PCT
to use canisters until north of VVR. Is this correct?

Many thanks...Howie


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