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[pct-l] Kick-Off Weekend
First , I would like to thank all the hard workers for making such a great
weekend!! ( Special thanks to Greg, Bob Reiss, Tom Renolds, Bill Pierson,
Charlie Jones ) Starman ( PCT 2001 Hiker) did and great cooking job as well.
Anyone who didn't make it last weekend really missed out!! Bear Canister???
Much stronger than I thought. Maybe with the right training , I could beat it
in a rematch!!! Actually Tom is right. I took it off to the side and gave the
Garcia a few good shots on the paved road ( one on it's side and one on the
end piece) and the thing held up. ( I feel if I hammered it repeatedly for
several minutes with a rock , the canister would lose, but a bear would not
do this) The new Carbon Fiber Canister looked impressive and the cost is only
that of a good pack or tent and should last a number of years. Thanks as
well to Bob Reiss's Dad who has a " Bob Newhart" type of humor and very
enjoyable to be around. Also , Marion and Ray Davision were real hits at the
Kick-Off. There Lamas were a hit with all in the campground and Marion is one
mean Guitar picker and singer!!! Gotta go, I'm dead tired after a straight
shot drive back to Olympia. Good luck and see you all again!! P.S. Thanks
for helping out my " Lost" Sister Tom and As a Bat!! She had a great time as
well. Monte
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