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[pct-l] 4th ADZPCTKO Report
Here's the preliminary report on the 4th ADZPCTKO for all of you not able to
attend and not out there hiking:
It rained most of the day on Friday as many people began arriving. About 50
people arrived Thursday night. We had more people there Friday night,
estimated 140, than we had Saturday night of the 3rd ADZ!
Around 5:00 Friday evening, Bob, the food and his RV arrived and was
immediately mobbed by hungry helping hands. In no time at all, the food,
stoves and fixings were unloaded, prepared and cooking began. Dinner was
served to a hungry crowd under Bob Riess's RV canopy and a self standing
canopy over the serving tables.
It rained all Friday night testing many of the ultra light tarp-tent systems
and giving many people new to the equipment a good early experience with a
serious rain storm. We organized this with the Great Backpacker In The Sky
as an unannounced event of this ADZ! ;-)
The rain didn't bother Marion and Ray Davison's llamas who bedded down right
next to the trail. They attracted the curious all weekend long.
Late Friday night a small crowd of four persistant 2002 hopefuls could be
seen still posing question after question at the highly regarded Flying Brian
Robinson as he prepared to bed down.
The rain continued into Saturday morning and began breaking up (as arranged)
just in time for the events to start around mid-day. It warmed up, tents and
rain jackets began to dry, layers began to come off and shorts appeared as
the skies cleared and sun shined.
"The Rogue" Reynolds gave a spirited demonstration of his methods for
efficiently packing a bear canister and showed several examples of old and
new, heavy and light canisters. Upon filling one, he marched it over to the
dry creek bed and tossed it in and exclaimed "I'm done!".
A few minutes later, after the crowd had wandered away, Mad Monte came
charging out in bear costume. Now, I have to describe the costume because I
had a bit of a different idea of what it would look like than what it turned
out to be. The head of the costume was large and had a goofy, cartoon-like
face on it. Think "Yogi" not grizzly.
The "bear" retreived the canister and began to stomp on it, throw it down,
tried to bite it, couldn't get his teeth around it and couldn't rip it apart
due to no opposing thumbs! The bear didn't seem to be affected in any way by
the crowd, jeering, yelling and a cigarette butt shot by a slingshot!
Clearly frustrated, the bear gave up and disappeared into the sage.
Next email, "The 2nd Annual Great Pacific Long Distance Hiking Gear and
Invention Review (AGPLDHG&IR)"