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[pct-l] Trailhead Run, April 19.
- Subject: [pct-l] Trailhead Run, April 19.
- From: cdrriess1@cox.net (Robert E. Riess)
- Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 17:01:39 -0700
Mark Schieber started his hike at firstlight today. We immediately =
noticed the very nice logbook placed at the monument by the PCTA. =
Averaging about 5 starters a day now. Class of 2002 will want to allow a =
few minutes to read the log and write a note of their own.=20
So much to do and so little time. Only week until ADZPCTKO.=20
Hike on !! Bob Riess at the Trailhead in San Diego=20
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