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[pct-l] snakes
- Subject: [pct-l] snakes
- From: woodsps@charter.net (WoodsPublishing)
- Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 11:12:33 -0700
I was a drunken guy in my twenties in the Grand Canyon!=20
Guess I lucked out on that one. My girlfriend wasn't along on the trip, =
I never saw a snake and I slept a lot.
Since we haven't heard about too many drunken guys in their twenties =
with fang marks on their mitts airlifted off the PCT, I guess the same =
thing applies?
a) no girl friends b) drunks aren't trying to impress anyone (they're =
sleeping?) c) no snakes
Seriously, two different kinds of people here. I think the average =
long-distance hiker reading this and all the other 'snake' posts, just =
by virtue of the effort to do the research is not likely to mess with a =
Signing onto a raft trip down the Colorado on the other hand, is like =
buying a ten-day E-ticket ride. And the bar is open at every stop.=20
Flames are licking at my hindparts already. There are by far many more =
responsible rafters and operators than 'drunk guys in their twenties' on =
those trips. I just think that I'm pretty typical in that I outlived my =
adolescence without too much damage.=20
Folks reading this list also know that a cold one in a town stop is =
heaven, and a hangover on the trail is hell.
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