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[pct-l] Fwd: Mt. Laguna postoffice
The kind Trail Angels, Paul and Pat at their Hiker's Oasis writes:
> Hello Strider
> Just wanted to send this information off, in case it is not common
> knowledge.
> We had a hiker come through,
> that left this morning and he said he had to
> wait a couple of days at Mt Laguna. because he got there at the wrong time,
> and had to wait for his box.
> We noticed that there was a person who posted on the list, that he was
> getting
> boxes there.
> It is only a part time post office,
> Mon. - Fri. 12 - 4
> Sat. 11 - 1
> If this is old news forget we sent this.
> If it is something people should know about, could you please post it to
> the list.
> We are already getting a few hikers in, 5 since the end of March, and
> we know more have gone by.
> We will be putting our water stash out by the end of this week.
> We still are not up to par on our set up, (restrooms, showers) but are
> taking hikers that are in need of help. Sore feet etc.
> We hope to be fully up and running next year, to much work for two
> little old people, but we are plugging slowly along.
> As I am sure meadow Ed will tell you.
> If we get more hikers or any important info about the trail, we will be
> sure and pass it on.
> As always
> Paul & Pat
> Good luck on the Kick off.
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